Mama Chameleon

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Cataclysmic Consequence of Color Confiscation

(Plus Photo Overload!)

Topsy loves to experiment. He also gets fixated on a particular thing and then loves it with all his heart.

Each bath time I give him four bottles of colored water (blue, green, red and yellow) that he uses to create all sorts of new colors in a cup then pours into the bath. At the end of bathtime, the water looks like he passed very loose stool into it. Too much info I know!

We have bought the large bottles of food coloring; you know; the ones that resemble vanilla essence bottles. He calls them his 'Vamilla Colors', and talks about them all day.

Well yesterday, whilst enjoying his bath, Topsy also emptied a whole new bottle of shampoo into the water.

This is not the first time that has happened, so Topsy's life as he knows it came to a screeching halt. Dr Phil says that every child has a currency. Guess what Topsy's is?

His "Vamilla colors' were banished for 24 hours. Well!!!

There was no sulking. No temper. Just grief, and bewilderment, as to how freeing the shampoo could bring about such devestation into his life.

I had told him, that he would not receive the colors till the next day. Several times during the day, Topsy walked out to me yawning and miming how he had had a huge sleep, and now it was the morning of tomorrow! Time for the return of 'Vamilla Colors".

I do not think shampoo will be tampered with again any time soon.

This morning when he came into our room, he whispered as rehearsed: 'Good Morning Mummy, can I have my Vamilla Colors? I gave them to him, and he snuggled in next to me and said sleepily;'I love my Vamilla Colors, They make me so happy.' :)

Here is what he created using the colors and a bunch of white carnations:

I took the kids to a flower show this afternoon. Here are some pics.

(who knew this child was actually nominated by his peers as class peacemaker?) :)

We are going on a three week holiday now. May not blog for a while. XXOO

Posted by michelle :: 11:08 pm :: 4 comments links to this post

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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Look what I bought at Aldi today!

Of course once I brought them home, Spindles was desperate to try them out.

A batch of rolled sugar cookies were whipped up and all the kids got busy choosing their favorite new shapes. Here is Topsy having a go by himself.

Ready for the oven:

I wasn't quick enough to get photos of the finished product!

Posted by michelle :: 9:09 pm :: 4 comments links to this post

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Thursday, September 04, 2008

It's Spring at Science Time

Today in Science Time at Questacon Topsy and his friend learned all about flowers!! :)

Thanks for taking the photo, Liz!!

Posted by michelle :: 8:22 pm :: 4 comments links to this post

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Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Today was surreal. I got the job offer from the principal at school yesterday.

Here it is:

Permanent part-time: 2 hours a day 5 days a week. 9-11am. Taking out kids who struggle in literacy and numeracy and givng them some tutoring.

I said the 5 days was out, but I would talk to Hubby about 4 days.

The number of days took me a back, but after talking to Hubby, it really impacts Tospy less than any other option. Tuesday mornings he will go visiting with Hubby. And on Wednesdays he may even stay in his normal routine and go to playgroup with my friend and her daughter! Otherwise he can go to preschool with me for two hours.

I am really excited about this, but I have felt kind of low all day. Maybe the fact that I am still sick, but also it the end of an era of me being home and ALWAYS accessible for family and friends. So just a bit blah at present. Go figure.

On the sunny side of life:

3 books that I excitedly researched and ordered when I thought I might be a casual teacher (make that 'casual teacher extraordinaire!!!!)' have arrived in the last two days. Books that we couldn't get in Australia, so I know they wouldn't be in most causal teacher's bag of tricks, and that deal with themes from my homeland: Kenya!!

They are:

Handa's Surprise which is for preschool - Yr 1 has a myriad of teaching activities and printable resources online. Topsy loves it and I had to read it over and over today! He loved the surprise ending.

Mama Panya's Pancakes has some info about life in rural Kenya and the famous recipe for Mama Panya's panckes. It has some good themes about sharing and being generous despite having little.

For You Are a Kenyan Child shows some aspects of traditional rural Kenyan life and uses some Swahili repetitiviely so the reader learns the words and their meaning.

I love the illustrations in all the books, and can't wait to use them in a classroom context. In the meantime, we are loving them.

Robyn, I thought it might be fun to bring the books along to the long weekend, read a couple and have them help us prepare the pancakes to go with an African feast. Or something like that. :)

And Liz, this one is for you! I found these maps called the Kids World Desk Map. They will cover the desk and are the texture of a giant mouse pad. Such detail they have; things you will see in each country, what they produce...(even sharks and other sea creatures in the oceans!) $14.95 at Dymocks. My kids, and I think I already told you this, have used them so differently. Roly plays with his army men on his. Diva takes her everywhere, hence it is a bit battered. Spindles just sits and loks at his, a lot. He probably knows every item on the thing and what country produces it. And Topsy? He didn't get one! :)

Posted by michelle :: 8:20 pm :: 5 comments links to this post

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