Every year in the summer vacation, we would go to the coast for three weeks.
Travelling from Nairobi to Mombasa on the overnight train was an adventure in itself.
Dad liked to book us on the 5pm train so we could spot wildlife for an hour or so while we ate our packed dinner before the sun disappeared.
As night fell, our compartment's bedding would be arranged and then we went to the toilet (or choo, pronounced 'cho') one last time.
In the morning, we breakfasted in the dining carriage..
and then looked excitedly out out window for the first glimpse of coconut palms that heralded the imminent coast.
Such fantastic memories!
I would love to take MY family on the Mombasa train experience but I hear that the 5:00pm train no longer exists, *sadness*, so they wouldn't see the wildlife.
Here are some snapshots of some of my favorite Mombasa memories.
Millipedes: These were everywhere!
Mamba Village, the crocodile farm!
Travelling to Mombasa mainland on the ferry to go shopping.
You could buy lots of fantastic stuff in Mombasa. My favorite things to seek out were fancy flip flops and tiny bottles of French perfume oil. Sublime. Made me feel like a princess.