Mama Chameleon

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Finer Things......

I was very excited to find three messages on our answering machine from the principal of the kids school on Saturday. She basically asked to set up an appointment to discuss a more formal part time arrangement. I am hoping that means 'permanent part time' which would mean no double guessing what day I'll get called in, and also mean holiday pay. Wooo hooo. I will have to specualate for the rest of the week, though. We didn't get the messages till Saturday, but she'd been calling on the Friday, hoping to see me before she left for a week. I'll have to hold my many horses till next Monday. I am not ready to be a career woman with Topsy so young. Just one or maybe two days ( while he is at preschool) will be enough.

Most of my wage will either be saved or help pay off the mortgage we are about to take on, but do you know what little luxury I am looking forward to indulging in?

Really nice sandwiches.

Not everyday, but when I feel like it. And sometimes I will make a sandwich with smoked salmon and creme fraiche. I want to experiment witha variety of breads, relishes, mayonnaises. To find that perfect mix of tangy, sweet, smooth and savoury all on the one sandwich. MMMMMmmmmm. And don't even get me started on having grilled vegetables and brie on soft thick slices of dense potato sourdough bread. Don't EVEN.

Hmmmmm. Could this be monthly cravings speaking? Maybe...... *sigh* Darn it. Oh well, a gal can dream, even if I probably won't feel like sandiches at all come payday! So indulge me. What is your dream sandwich to bite into?

*In other totally trivial news, we were offered a dishwasher on Sunday. The boys and I picked it up on Monday! I installed it excitedly all on my own that very night , Hubby having taken himself to bed early, as he is recovering from having a cyst removed. He looks like this!

I installed the machine correctly without a manual, might I add. Though I waited till Hubby arose this morning to have him confirm it was all good to go. We turned it on and then stood back to watch that baby do our dishes.

There was a lot of noise, and 5 very long minutes in, we were relieved to hear water filling. And then it began pouring out the front all over the floor......

.....The fix-it man showed up when Hubby was out, (of course, isn't that always the way) and he soon confirmed that the machine is a D-U-D. In soooo many ways. :(

Once he was done, he told me the price of his 5 minute visit. And waited expectantly. Therein lay the problem. Hubby was going to deal with the money part. And he was supposed to have been home at that very momentfor that very reason. But NAY.....

I could only think of one way out of having to admit that I had no cash on me.

In the country, when a person does a house maintenance job, they leave an invoice and then home owners pay later.

So I politely asked him for an invoice. He politely wrote one, then held out his hand for the cash.


"Oh, so I pay now?..." hehehe

As he stood there, I tried to phone Hubby who very helpfully did NOT answer his phone.

So what eventuated, was that thekids and I hopped in the car and, driving REALLY SLOWLY so as he knew we weren't going to make a break for it, we led him to the local shops, where I withdrew money for him.

Ugh and major bummer. It's back to the drudgery of hand washing for me.

*Roly saw the school counsellor today. He is stressed to the point of sleeplessness over the immature and selfish behaviour of his supposed best friend. I had him go to the counsellor, because my motherly wisdom (though impressive) drew a blank on this one. Roly has done all the right things. he has told the boy what is hurting their friendship, and that it has to change. But the boy refuses to admit he is doing anything wrong (OK an example: the boy throwing pens at Roly in class-hard; with Roly and the class witnessing it, and then having a fit because he swears he didn't do it.) Well, in the words of Dr Phil "you can't change what you don't acknowledge." So there! We are all disappointed in this child. He started out really nice.

OK I will end this novel (sorry about that) with a clip of Topsy.

All day he has said 'Mmmmhmmm' to just about everything. And I realized that I say it all the time. I wanted to capture him doing it. Of course when trying to film it in action, I had to tease each 'Mmmmhmmmm' out of him!

Posted by michelle :: 8:39 pm :: 4 comments links to this post

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