Mama Chameleon

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Unexpected Visitors

Ahh, the last weekend before school starts back. A time of last minute catch ups with our precious offspring who will very soon be going back under the influence and guidance of their teachers and peers. A chance to have a long walk, go to the park, ride our bikes, play out side anything we can think of to savour our last couple days of freedom together before that tyrant "Time" has us yet again under her iron thumb........

Well that was what happend at the end of the last holidays ! But no such luck this time around. Instead we had some unexpected visitors . Lots of visitors in fact,who have done nothing but eat and lounge around since they arrived.


Well today I stood up for myself and told them all where to go. In no uncertain terms. They did not take the hint, so it is time for action.

So today we are gonna wash those lice right out of our hair!
We are delousing! We have the dreaded itch. The only one who didn't catch it was Topsy

And we are none too happy about it!.....

...though we put on a brave face...............

...and stoically endure ...

....the dreaded Green Cap of Fumes!( Hubby had to be treated as well but he was not keen to be seen in green!).

In other news: Roosy, Topsy's stupid rooster pins down and mounts Daisy duck every time she steps off her perch and looks an easy target.

"He's doing r-a-p-e again!" Roly yells furiously (where did he learn that word?).

Poor Daisy's back and neck are looking a little worse for wear. So now that we have figured out that Daisy is not a willingly participant, Roosy gets chased by Big Mama, sprayed with the hose, and yesterday, locked up for several hours.

The chooky is Roosy's Mummy so he leaves her alone (though he used to have a go at her as well) This is a pic, though not a very good one, of Daisy having some serenity while Roosy sulks in isolation.

Have a good weekend!

Posted by michelle :: 12:14 pm :: 7 comments links to this post

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Thursday, April 27, 2006

What's in a Name!!
Why Big Mama? Why Mama chameleon?
Let me fill you in. Hubby did not want our real names out in the WWW (wild, wild west!), so I had to change the original name of the blog rather quickly.
Chameleons are African. They change colour and adapt to their surroundings.
I feel like a chameleon a lot, though I don't think the adapting I am referring to means that I am in any way being a follower or am not being true to my beliefs. What I mean is that I adapt (I think ) rather well to who I am with. I am comfortable with a group of gals my age, and equally comfortable with a group of older friends.
And don't even start me on being adaptable as a parent. I am forever learning and having to re-evaluate what I do, and why I do it. Thankfully this chameleon tends to roam in a nice big tree with lots of other friendly wildlife, and no predator seems to have spotted me yet.
Now Big Mama is a name I came up with. Strange I know. Big Mama came into existance early last year, after Roly had been hurt (his feelings that is) by so-called 'friends'. His little heart was broken and he had just sobbed out the story of what had happened. After we had talked it through and devised a plan of action, we started making up scenarios of what Roly could do, if faced with the same situation the next day.
Our family tends to be a bit silly really at times, and unfortunately we mostly tend to find each othe hilarious ( unless I am grumpy, or the jokes become plain silly. Which is rather a lot actually!)
OK, so back to the story. Well these scenarios soon left the path towards Helpful and Problem Solving' ,and detoured down the more exciting shortcut to Slapstick Humor. We eventually had Big Mama at school performing unheard of feats, and when said bullying occured, Big Mama ended up sitting atop pile of said bullies! I was also transformed into the boys' butch friend "Big Michael" (who happens to have a tattoo of the main bully on his forearm, and when Big Michael flexes his arm, said bully's bottom appears to do a little poop. My idea. Is that wrong?)
Anyways, that is how I became big Mama. Though now the name is generally only used around here in smothered whispers when I am on the warpath and everyone is scampering to get out of the way.
Quote of the week:
Spindles had organized his siblings to contribute entries into his coloring competition.
Roly was a little slow off the mark, so Spindles called out: 'Come on Roly. you'd better start. The competition ends tomorrow!'
Roly (cautiously). "OK, but what's the prize?
Spindles: "You don't find out till you win."
Roly: Nope, I'm not doing it then. It's probably one of those things where you win a girlfriend for a month!"

Posted by michelle :: 12:16 pm :: 5 comments links to this post

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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Frugal Living

Hubby and I are getting all fired up at the thought of living tons more simply. What with paying off loans, plus wanting to make my life easier since bub (read: more quick dinners, either frozen or out of a can, plus the occasional pack of hot chips, or pizza), we are living beyond our means.
So, Frugal Living: The Idiot's Guide. (we are the idiots, you may be the guide.

We have some ideas, but if frugal living is something you excell at, or even if you only have one idea that could fit on a postage stamp, please write in and share your tips.
One idea that a friend and I are doing is a bake off. Once a fortnight, we'll have a big bake of cookies and bars, then we'll divide them between us so we have a lot of variety and freeze them for the kid's lunchboxes. The lunchbox fillers here in OZ are so expensive, but some days (OK most days!) baking seems hard. So this will be a real uplifting day to do it.
Now in a totally different direction, here is my boy, walking. Still learning, but improving every day.
He used to walk to me, but as you'll see in the second clip, trying to escape me is much more entertaining, till you trip!!

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Posted by michelle :: 11:40 am :: 11 comments links to this post

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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Crafts and creations
I apologize in advance for the huge pics. Pressing "blog 'em" at photobucket is much easier than what I used to do manually, but the pics come out so big!!
On Friday, Spindles announced that "today is Spider Friday!" His big plan was for us to make and consume chocolate spiders and drink spiders (icecream in a glass with soft drink poured over).
We never got around to the icecream spiders till today, but they did make the other spiders. Here is how Spindle's Spider Friday turned out.

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We decided creativity might spruce up the holidays a bit. Hubby is helping the boys make a scenario board for their army figures using cardboard, plaster of paris and paints, sand and little rocks. It is only at early stages yet. These bricks are helping the mounds of glued card to stick together as they dry.

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Diva and I bought some pretty fabrics ...

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Image hosting by Photobucket she could make some cards with girls with real dresses and hair.
We found this sketch of a girl for me to try to copy (she reminds me of Diva!)

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And this is what Diva's first girl looked like. We haven't colored in her face or the rest of the card yet.
Then Diva and a friend made these with the craft papaer and fabrics.

What were the boys and their friend doing while the girls let their creative juices flow?

Wrestling of course.

Posted by michelle :: 11:53 am :: 8 comments links to this post

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Monday, April 24, 2006

My weird stuff.

I am airing my dirty laundry, and shaking out my skeletons because Sunshine tagged me.
Be warned OK, some of this stuff is quite weird so I am counting on the fact that anyone reading this post, remembers that anytime you get to know someone, you realize that they are not normal. There is no normal! Puhleeeeese remember that!
We'll work from least weird to the other extreme, huh!

1) I eat leftovers for breakfast. Cereal and toast do not excite me one little bit bit, so if there is something decent leftover from the night before, I heat it up and start my day on that.

2) I make an appalling noise to ease my hayfever. I hate spending tons of money on my hayfever tablets, that only provide momentary relief. Hayfever is my foe more than half the year, and my ears and throat get unbearably itchy. I have discovered that by making a roaringly-loud, throat-rattling snarl while rubbing both ears frantically, the itching eases.
In fact it feels fantastic. You should have seen the horror in poor Topsy's face when he first heard it, only days old. What is probably worse is how quickly he adapted to it. From four months old he has been able to do quite a good imitation.
How embarassment !!(that is OZ slang for any US readers who make think my vocab is appalling)

3) If I see more than one man, or a group of high school students sitting together on the park bench beside our next door grocery shop, I will not shop there, no matter how empty the larder is at home. In fact I will turn on my heel and go back home if I am on the way there and spot them. Once, I waited for over an hour to go buy TP (cause I was all out, and desperately needed to go) because two construction workers were having their lunch break on that bench.

4) Sometimes I wear fake glasses at home. It started out as a joke. They are a pair of cheap sunnies with the lens knocked out that I used for a Sunday School drama a while back and they look just like these in the pic. They make me feel smart.

5) A couple of years ago, I covered my hands with glue, let it dry, and then peeled it off like we used to do at school. It was fun. I liked it. Not the sticky-part, or the waiting-for-it-to-dry-part, but the peeling-it-off-part. Such fun!! I gave it up after a couple of days though, 'cause it dryed out my hands too much.

6) I am secretly afraid that I will be attacked and assaulted in our home because I am a minister's wife. I feel like it would be an easy target for someone with a vendetta against church and religion in general. Consequently, I have gone out of my way to not go home when I have encountered strange characters down our street. Plus we live on a quiet street which has a bar down the end of it.
The flip side of this is that if I wake up to drunken arguments outside, involving women (and last Christmas Eve a little girl), I can't let it be. 3 times I have snuck out of bed and into my car to follow the arguers home, just to make sure the child or the woman has gotten home in one piece.

Wow! I read back over this and see how weird I actually am. Golly!!
In little bits spread out over the last ten years, though it can't be too bad. It is me, lump, bumps and all.

And I am tagging Mama Mentor, TL paints, T, and AZDaisy. Sara if you haven't done this one before I'd be interested in seeing how weird you are too.

Posted by michelle :: 10:50 am :: 10 comments links to this post

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Saturday, April 22, 2006

And To Think We Almost Didn't Go!!

Yes it is true.

We were almost a no show for the medieval faire that we have been looking forward to for weeks.

Hubby is away on a conference for the weekend, and even though I had always known this, as the day of the faire loomed, I wondered if I could manage it by myself.

But.....we threw caution to the wind and ventured out for the 1 hour tripk, then the windy drive through to the heart of a forest.

The faire was just fantastic. It had the feel of a small medieval village, rather than thatof a faire. The people who had organized the event had camped in the forest for the week, and they had it set up so authentically.

The boys loved everything about the faire ( as I had guessed) whereas Diva was underwhelmed (which also did not surprise me). Next time we would bring more of our own food, just because two of the kids were just not all that into medieval morsels. Also, next time Topsy will be walking. Thank goodness for that, because manoevering the pram along the forest track was no mean feat.

I was sad we couldn't stay till the feast at the end. It was super cheap, and apparantly a buffet. I figured it would just be sausage rolls etc, and so we came far too early to stay for it, on purpose. Well, you should have seen the meat and delicacies they were preparing. Next time!!!!

Alright, enough chatter. Without further ado, I present to you the faire, as experienced by us.

This was the main building. Our pram was the only one there. Can you see it?Inside there was a display of men's garments, weaponry, and chain mail. A couple of women were weaving a tapestry. And a large fire pit burned in the centre of the building.

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The chain mail garment looks like nothing special in this shot, but it was impressive in real life.

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Here is a Dad feeding his daughter beside the fire pit. The 'villagers' were mainly family's. I do not know why that surprised me. It was nice. The kids all seemed to be enjoying themselves.

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This 'warrior' let me take a pic of him removing his boots at the end of a mock battle.

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Here is my little crew at the other entrance to the main building.

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One group of men practised some form of martial arts.

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The warriors fought in groups of three, or one-on-one. None of the actual 'battle' pics turned out, sadly
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At the end they charged us, stopping with mere inches to spare. Great fun!

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"Simple Simon met a pie man, going to the faire....."
This pie man was great at selling his wares. He sang only slightly better than Cacofonix the Bard (from Asterix fame), and was not a very good rhymer either. His personality made up for it though.

His wares? Pies!

Spinach and cheese; egg and veggie; apple; and blueberry.

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Spindles was begging to go in these!

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Isn't this girl just gorgeous in her outfit?

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This cloaked boy was shy, but allowed a photo. ( I needed photos in case I want someone to make something similar one day)

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Roly got two lots of archery lessons. He wasn't bad either. The target?......

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Easter Bunny!???!!!

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The next few shots are of some medieval tents and structures.Image hosting by Photobucket
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(What is Topsy stooping down to touch? A great steaming cow pat! )
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Sorry so many pics. Now off to soak in the bath and then bed !

Posted by michelle :: 8:47 pm :: 10 comments links to this post

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Friday, April 21, 2006

Geriatrix and the Dishwasher Escapade
(the one Goscinny and Uderzo didn't write)
If in this day and age, small annoyances happen, one can at least be grateful when one's predicaments turn out to be blogworthy.
The predicament:
Our wonderful next door neighbours donated a brand new dishwasher to the church manse, which means us ( at least while we have the job!) How wonderful it has been as well. I really don't know what I ever did without one.
Well that is I didn't, till about six weeks ago when the jolly thing conked out. Then I remembered what not having a dishwasher was like.(with great weeping and gnashing of teeth!)
It being only 3 months old and still under warranty I called up the store where we'd bought it and they gave me the nunber of their dishwasher fixit company. Easy.
" Right', said he (Fixit man extraordinaire!) "I'll be out on Wednesday."
Well, Wednesday came and Wednesday went. Nothing.
So did two more Wednesdays. Still nothing!!
Then one day, exactly 3 weeks late, this young guy in a mr. fixit uniform, showed up out of the blue on our doorstep.
No sorry, no explanation, nothing.
So strange!
The blase' way he acted, as if he'd only just been told about the job, had me wondering if he was some kind of serial killer. ( I'd better stop reading crime fiction, I suppose.)
After a quick fiddle with our ailing machine he announced that the pump had had it (!!! a 3 month old pump? Had it? Already?!!!!!) and he'd be back in a couple of days with a new one.
The tension mounts: One week went by, then two. Now this was just getting ridiculous.
I got the number of the business, and asked if I could maybe expect them back before Christmas dinner ? (well actually, I just timidly enquired as to whether I had missed a visit from one of their fixit men.)
After a great deal of 'hem' ing and 'haw' ing the secretary said "The part should be here soon" (which I knew to mean "Dang, knew we forgot to order someone's new part!!)
The climax:
A week and a half went by!!! Then we got a phone call.
" Just wanted to know if you'll be home. I'm coming to fix your dishwasher."
Conclusion: In which we meet the boss and suddenly it all makes a lot more sense.
20 minutes later, this guy's twin (look above. Ooops, only just noticed that this pic makes faces. Sorry 'bout that!) showed up.
He looked about a hundred: all bent over, and hobbling along in his tiny pair of work shorts .
When he actually made it to our house, the first thing he needed was to use the toilet( !!! He had only just come from his office 10 minutes away!)
That took a good while.
Then he 'hem'ed and 'haw'ed over the dishwasher for some time before setting a cardboard box on the counter.
"I probably should have made sure this box has got your right bit in it,' he wheezed. "The last two jobs, I've had the wrong bit, so I had to go back to the office." (!!!!!)
To add to the chaos; as this insanity was unfolding, we were in the middle of enjoying morning tea with visitors.
But poor old Hubby spent most of his time running back and forth to lift things, reach for things, and hold things for our geriatric fixit dude. Listen I would have done anything to assist the man myself. I didn't want his health to fail before my machine was fixed. (Is that wrong?)
But the job is now done, and our dishwasher is humming away happily again.
Oh, and by the way, we did not need a new pump after all. Mr Fixit discovered a sliver of a broken plate which had jammed the pump. After this was removed, it worked fine!

Posted by michelle :: 8:26 pm :: 7 comments links to this post

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